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My thoughts are my own...

Thursday, March 27, 2008

All my life, history have always been an important element in my existance. I have always been facinated with history and how things became what they are now. I truly believe that the world that we see now came from the results of the past.

Our younger generation, the MTV generation as they call it, are unable to identify how significant their history are. It is as if they are oblivious of the bloodshed and heart-ache that our forefathers had to go through in order to see this generation (the generation that I see wandering the streets of Kuala Lumpur now) have some pride in living their lives.

Yet, I do not see a younger version of Malaysia that appreciates the hard work and the tears of our encestors. The ones who understand what it was like to fight for our country and see how she grew from an insignificant influence into a force that is resepected by all power that exist in the world today.

If we let a him rule our country like he ruled the 4th floor...he will lead our country into ruins. But then again, my interpretation of "ruins" differ from those whose soul have left their bodies to live in currencies....like him. Does he think that by running the 4th floor, he is able to run a country? Does he know that "balls" are inherited by nature?

i guess he doesn't... :)

While our forefathers faught for our freedom, others just watch with ease as benefits pour down their throats and digested into wealth, health and freedom!

Apparently they don't care...and apparently they don't remember....

so thank you KJ....for destroying my future...

Grace to All

Her Choice

everything is changing and she just can't see,
everything's changing and she's not me,
she's trying so hard it hurts her soul,
she's hurting so bad,
she's growing old,
she's beautiful and graceful like a butterfly,
aura of colors floats on by,
where ever she goes she spreads her love,
until the time came where she observes from above,
her rainbow blood drips with pain and fear,
and she prays to God to dry her tears,
before she sees her reflection again,
she hides her face behind dark hands,
she made her choice to just let go,
she made her choice.....
as her blood flows...

Grace to All
Jazlin Hussin
Copyright ©2008 JazlinHussin

Did you know?

Did you know,
The world is not fair because we see it that way?
Did you know,
That millions of people die everyday?
Did you know,
That money does not make us happy?
But the love that surrounds us lasts for eternity?
Did you know,
That beauty don't last forever?
Did you know,
That learning makes a person better?
Did you know,
That the world can survive without hate?
But today it is otherwise..
Will that be our fate?

Grace To All
Copyright ©2008 JazlinHussin

A Lesser Man All on His Own....

Seriously who does this man think he is? What power does he think he holds? What influence does he have? And what does he think he is doing to my future? does he even care?
I know it is unethical for a writer to write such bias and unjustified emotions but for a person who redeems free will and cherish it with all her heart, i believe i have the right to state my opinions concerning this matter since this matter will influence my future and the country that i truly love. Again i ask this question, who does he think he is? Does he really think that he can get away with whatever masterplan that he has come up with to achieve whatever goals that he is persuing? Does he really think that the younger generation of Malaysia will just sit down and watch as he sell out our country to the people who could care less about the blood of our finest countrymen who have faught for our freedom? does he really think that our young generation are that idiotic and that moronic and accept whatever he implies?
What he doesn't know is that the generation that he will see in the future are idealist and highly educated people who does not see everything as just a part of profit. Our culture and legacy are on a limb right now because of arrogance and blindness of people who either refuse to see the truth or are just to intoxicated with money. I just don't understand how some poeple are unable to see where our country is heading if we, the educated, the intelligent, the idealist won't stop for awhile and examine what he is trully planning.
Because of him our country now is in chaos. He projects so much hate that it sickens me to even think about what would happen to my children and my children's children if he ever achieved his goal. And everyone knows that his ultimate goal is gain as much power as he can. And mark my words once he has...our country will be in ruins...
We are the new generations of scholars, we are the new born intellectuals who will not see Malaysia lose its culture, its identity, its dignity...its pride.
Oxford do not intimidate me nor will it intimidate others...
i am smarter than you....
so help me God...
Grace To All